Our daughter, Danielle Annabelle

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, January 26, 2009

Prawn Dish

I manage to prepare a prawn dish for the CNY reunion dinner with the help from my wife. Have a look......

So, what do you think? Do I have any chance in the food business??? At our current economic situation, I may have to diversify to the food sector. Everyone needs to eat, right?

The video was taken using my new toy (of course). However, the lowest resolution was used to publish it on the net.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009

Greetings my fellow readers,

To me, Chinese New Year (CNY) means holidays. During my earlier years as a student, CNY would mean 1 week break from school. Ah, not forgetting also those little red packets given to children or any unmarried person for that matter. My collection of those red packets ain't much as my family lives in the city and we don't go around visiting much. In terms of value, both me and my brother gets most from our parents (of course). Therefore, monetary gains is nothing to shout about BUT the holiday break, ah, that's something else.

I love the holidays. Who doesn't right? Just love doing nothing important, walking the malls where you can see all types of characters whilst getting some "free air-conditiong". Oh! For the last statement, it is only right to inform readers outside Malaysia that the weather in West Malaysia is normally very hot during CNY. Noticed I used West Malaysia? I was told by a colleague, it is normally very wet in Sarawak.

So, how about CNY as an adult? That would be another post if I am not lazy.

Wishing all my chinese friends out there a very Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Latest Toy in the Family

Ok, ok, I must admit that my self-control is really poor. Especially concerning techy stuff. There is just this tiny voice calling me to get my hands on the "stuff". Spooky? Nah! Just kidding.

Alright, now into the serious stuff. I got myself the new SDHC camcorder by JVC. Nothing to shout about. It is actually an entry level camcorder.

I have never fully tested it out yet but from my initial observation, the highest quality is still inferior to my old miniDV camcorder. The biggest advantage of this little fella is its portability and the ease to upload files in to the computer for further editing.

It set my finances back by RM1,164 with an extended 5 year warranty. With this, I hope my cravings for Tech toys will be under control for a longer period of time :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tech Toys

How long.... Oh how long.....

Longing for new tech toys. One in mind (actually a few) is a SD or HDD camcorder with reasonable battery life. Budget? Let's say about RM1,500. Any suggestions out there?

Must be prudent with my hard earnt cash!!!! Especially when need to start saving for little "stone".

The only "extra" cash I can get my hands on would be courtesy of our Malaysian Government. The RM625 which ends sometime in March?? However, sad to say that after paying for the insurance and road tax for my Kelisa, all that is left would be about RM250. Now, what can I do with RM250??? Save it?? Use it?? Partyyyyy???

Life goes on.....

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Ah! We are in year 2009. A very happy new year to you all out there. Nope. I don't think the wishes is any too late. Better late than never as some may say.

Most people are adopting a cautious attitude towards 2009 in terms of finances. I would say it would be a wise decision. How sad. That means no more unnecessary gadgets/toys for the time being (notice I use "for the time being"). With so many unpredictable "things" going on out there in the world, who knows what may happen.

2009 for me would definitely be an interesting year as there will be a major change in my life. Some may know about it but some would still be in the dark. Anyhow, sooner or later it would be out in the open and hiding would be impossible (unless my wife dissappears and move to some far far away place for the next six months).

Yes! There is a little "stone" on the way. Sometimes it is scary to imagine bringing up the little "stone" especially with the world in such condition. Nevertheless, it is one of God's will for us, right? Both my wife and I will leave it to all to God. We believe that He will provide for all our needs I am sure. He will make a way when there is no way. Amen to that.

Maybe the next post will have more information.